Get A Move On

I don’t like waste. Old fruit? Shrub. Stale bread? Croutons. Several cans of prune juice about to expire (#parenthood)? Sounds like a syrup-itunity to me. The best part is that the syrup is, like, really good— raisiny, rich, a little funky. I can only assume it’s great for my digestive health, too.

The drink build centers around the syrup, pulling out some gentle funk and molasses notes with the rum; keying in the raisin flavors with the sherry, and providing some gentle oak vanilla with the reposado. Tequila works so well with rum/sherry and filled the role of backbone without overpowering any of the other key flavors. Seriously don’t poo-poo this drink until you try it!!


Stir with ice, strain over #clearice (@truecubes). Express/include lemon twist. Cheers!!


The Double Doink


Do You Yuzu?